What Is Hypertext Markup Language(HTML)

Ashim khatua
May 20, 2021


If you want to be a web developer or not, HTML is a basic skill you need to know. Here I am discus about What is HTML? why do you need to know it? And why it is important in web development. And I also tell you a little HTML history.

In the 21st century, all are internet-based and I am pretty sure you did your daily work through the internet. HTML is the fundamental of the internet, all individual web pages or websites are created with HTML.

HTML Stands for Hypertext Markup Language.

HTML History

HTML was invented by Tim Barners Lee in late 1991 at CERN. he thought of a system that CERN researchers share their documents without a headache. Sir Tim wrote 1st version of HTML language with 18 elements and Browser also. After it was popular worldwide.



Ashim khatua
Ashim khatua

Written by Ashim khatua


Professionally Web Developer since 2015, And also a Blogger. I love to share my knowledge, which I learned in the past few years.

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